Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

Unfortunately, the trial version of Hand2Note does not support Range Research and Decision Analysis features. 

It is only available for EDGE subscription.

Besides, there is no technical capability to enable trial mode after purchase but even after your trial period expires you can continue to use Hand2Note in Micro Stakes mode (up to NL25) and everything will work fine:

FAQ. Subscription


Probably, Hand2Note has already been downloaded to your computer before, even if you did not use it.


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note Support.

Unfortunately, there is no option to reactivate the Trial manually.

We can offer you 3 days for free, but in this case, you will lose the opportunity to get a 10% discount for the first purchase.

If you agree, reply to us.


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support. 

Even after your trial period expires you can continue to use Hand2Note in free BASE mode. In the free version, the basic functions of the program are available on any stakes:


Спасибо за обращение в службу поддержки Hand2Note. 

Вероятно, Hand2Note уже был загружен на ваш компьютер раньше, даже если вы им не пользовались.

К сожалению, если триал уже истёк, то нет возможности включить его вручную. Но вы можете и дальше использовать Hand2Note  в режиме бесплатной версии BASE:

Что произойдёт когда триал закончится?


Please note that Range Research and Decision Analysis features are available for EDGE subscription only.


You are probably playing games above NL25 but limit restrictions also apply to play money games.

Unfortunately, there is no technical capability to enable trial mode manually.

But Hand2Note works the same way on any stakes and you can try it on NL25 before purchasing a subscription. 


I can give you 2 days to try this function, but in this case, you won't be eligible for any discounts and promotions in the future. Would you like to have free 2 days now to test EDGE? 

Discounts and promotions for a lower price on a subscription only apply to the first purchase. If I add days to your EDGE subscription, you can't extend it with a discount in the future.


If you have not used your trial yet, it will turn on automatically:

Unfortunately, if the trial has already expired, then there is no way to enable it manually.


Если вы ещё не использовали ваш триал для азиатских румов, то он включится автоматически:

К сожалению, если триал уже истёк, то нет возможности включить его вручную.