Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

Please enter your license key in Configuration->Other Options->License:


If you did not receive your serial key by email then you can find it in your profile on our website:



Спасибо, что пользуетесь Hand2Note.

Вы всегда можете найти ваш лицензионный ключ в своём профайле на нашем сайте:



Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

In order to delete your license key from Hand2Note, you should remove the file that is located in the folder C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\ by default.


Закройте Hand2Note.

Чтобы удалить лицензионный ключ из Hand2Note, необходимо закрыть Hand2Note и 

удалить файл, который по умолчанию находится в папке C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

Your <STANDARD> subscription is valid until <15 Nov 2019>

You can check it in your profile on our website.


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

As far as I can see on your screenshot, your license key has already been activated. You don't need to enter it again.  Please note that your key never changes, you only renew your subscription.

If your new subscription does not appear in the main window of hand2Note, please ensure you have updated Hand2Note up to the latest version

If you will need online help during setup, please contact live chat support in the lower right corner of our website:

Also, the support service on our Facebook page is constantly working:


You have a blank account with no license key because you have no subscription.

You can use the free version BASE of Hand2Note without the key.