Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

You can easily and quickly create all necessary stats with our Stats Editor:

Creating custom poker statistics

Besides, you can find many examples of default stats for our default HUDs and Popups in Stats Editor.

If you do not have time to create stats yourself, then you can use our service:

Private HUD order service

If you need private training, please take a look at the following guide:

In addition, you can find ready-made HUD&popup packages on the third-party developer's websites:


В Hand2Note нет такого понятия, как стандартный стат. Любой стат вы можете сделать так как нужно именно вам:

В редакторе статов, вы можете найти примеры статов, которые используются в дефолтном пакете ХАД.

Если у вас нет времени создавать статы самому, то вы можете воспользоваться нашим сервисом:

Если вам нужна более подробная информация, то рекомендую этот видеокурс:

Кроме того, вы можете использовать готовые пакеты статистики от сторонних разработчиков:


Our support service is not involved in the creation of statistics.

Please take a look at this guide:

Creating custom poker statistics

Besides, you can find many examples of default stats for our default HUDs and Popups in Stats Editor.

If you can't create stats yourself, then you can use our service:

Order custom HUD

If you need more information, please take a look at this video course:

In addition, you can find ready-made HUD&popup packages on the HUD & POPUP STORE:


There is no such thing as a standard stat in Hand2Note. You can create any stat as you want:

In the stat editors, you can find examples of stats that are used in the default HUD package. But you can make your own stats in a different way.


In addition, you can find many ready-made commercial HUDs(created especially for Hand2Note) from third-party developers on our website:

Profiles Shop

If you are interested in buying some commercial HUD, you should ask an additional question to its creators.


You can create and assign any additional Popup for any stat in your HUD.

Please note that Hand2Note also calculates additional statistics for every stat automatically, but this feature is available only with EDGE or PRO subscription:   


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

1.) First of all, you need to learn how to create your own stats using our Stats Editor:

Creating custom statistics in Hand2Note

Also, you need to understand what additional statistics the Hand2Note calculates automatically for every stat:

Extended popup on stat

Besides, in Stats Editor you can find many examples of default stats for our default HUDs and Popups:


2.) You can add Stack size, Effective stack size and Effective stack size vs. Hero's stack size in your HUD(Popup) by right-clicking in the HUD(Popup) editor:


3.) If you need private training, please take a look at the following guide:

If you do not have time to create stats yourself, then you can use our service:

Private HUD order service

In addition, you can find many ready-made commercial HUDs from third-party developers on our website:

Profiles Shop