Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

We believe, in this case, we can't act as an authority determining copyright. Especially considering that your product is designed for PT4 and the SmartGo HUD is for Hand2Note.

We only provide our site to authors of packages for placing them in our official Shop. You also may create and publish your package in our Shop if you wish:

For Package Authors

We do not even have access to protected third-party packages.

But in any case, we asked the author of this package to discuss with you all questions that arose. He agrees to find an acceptable solution for both of you. Moreover, he will even be happy to collaborate with you on mutually beneficial terms, if you are interested. For example, you could offer his HUD on your site for Hand2Note users or something like that.

Please discuss the problem with the developer first:



If the issue is not resolved as a result of your negotiations, we will also try to help you.