The program has been functioning all this time. There was a problem for you in one of the updates with only one of the huge number of features. And this problem was solved in the subsequent update a long time ago. In such cases, compensation is not applied.

But we appreciate your patience and added one month to your subscription as an exception.


Thank you for using Hand2Note.

Sometimes poker rooms release updates that affect compatibility with Hand2Note and our development department always tries to solve the problem very quickly.

In this case, the problem was solved in the subsequent module update very fast. Hand2Note has been functioning all this time in all other rooms. In such cases, compensation is not applied. 

But if you play only one room, you can always ask to freeze your subscription via email or live chat support in the lower right corner of our website.


Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.

As far as I know, we never offered compensation for a subscription. But you always have the opportunity to change your old subscription to a new one with recalculation: 


Мы не восстанавливаем дни в таких случаях так как не можем проверить не использовали ли вы Hand2Note в это время для других румов или для анализа, но в следующий раз, если что-то такое произойдёт, напишите нам и при проблемах с румов мы приостанавливаем подписки что б вы не теряли дни. Единственное что можем сделать - когда восстановиться работа рума напишите нам и мы предоставим вам несколько бесплатных дней на тест.