Thank you for using Hand2Note.
Unfortunately, there is no such option in the reports yet.
They are located in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Hand2Note:

After it try to reinstall or just to run H2N4 Beta.
Unfortunately, there is no exact information yet, but in any case, this feature will not appear before Hand2Note 4 is released.
К сожалению, на данный момент функциональность отчётов ограничена и можно использовать только доступные фильтры, с помощью которых, скорее всего, не получится отфильтровать именно такую ситуацию.
Thank you for contacting Hand2Note support.
If your key does not work, it means that you have registered for the beta test again with the same email and now you have to wait again for the new key to arrive.