PokerTime can still run now on LDplayer 3.104, but not on LDP4 yet
Try to install LDPlayer 3.104 with ADB option enabled:
Try the following:
Reboot your PC and router
Disable antivirus
Start Hand2Note as administrator
Start emulator as administrator
Open one table and play a few hands
Don't run any other emulators or converters.
Please open proxy_ports.cfg file and add the next string:
pokertime 80
If you don't have that file. Just download and paste into C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\external\x64\
Then run in the following order:
- Reboot your PC
- Run all emulators and run the room application
- Run Hand2Note
- Wait 1 minute
- Restart emulators one-by-one
- Wait until HUD appears
Hand2Note uses PlayerID as a nickname in PokerTime, so you should check the player's details in the app and then find the ID in H2N: