It is because of China's internet connection. You can try to reboot pc but anyway Hand2Note needs to install internal modules so you will need to wait a bit.


You must wait until it downloads the update. It may take a while for some of the Chinese users because certain ISP may limit traffic to our servers


Servers are online and there are no connection issues on our side. Automatic updates must be downloaded, so if it's stuck, try using a different internet connection like mobile internet or VPN just to start H2N.


Наши серверы подключены к сети, и с нашей стороны проблем с подключением нет. Автоматические обновления должны загрузиться, поэтому, если они зависают, попробуйте использовать другое подключение к Интернету, например мобильный Интернет или VPN, чтобы запустить H2N.


Try to reboot your router or try using a different internet connection like mobile internet or VPN just to start H2N.

Try a different VPN server or a mobile internet to launch it. H2N needs to download the updates to start, after that it should be ok.